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Music Ministry

Director of Music
Worth Lewallen

Sacred Music


Meet the Staff


Schola cantorum


​Organ Project​​


Choral Scholar Opportunities​​


Bel canto​


Music Resources for current choir members

(password required)​​

Welcome to St. Joseph’s

Music Ministry


The singing of psalms, hymn, and spiritual songs was    practiced by the disciples of Christ and his followers. Since that time, sacred music has always been an integral part of Catholic liturgy.


St. Joseph Parish has a rich history of sacred music for more than 70 years beginning with an all-male schola cantorum in 1949, which Schola was enriched with the beauty of women’s voices in 1976. We strive to foster communal sung prayer and glorify God through the rich history of sacred chant, polyphony, hymnody with inspiring organ support, and choral, organ and instrumental literature of the highest possible caliber.    â€‹â€‹

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