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Tracking down Miss Jackson!

Big shout out and thank you to Eileen Sullivan and Bob Leichtle in response to my From the Organ Bench article last week. Eileen caught a boo-boo for me… Charlie Baker was not Madame Tremblay Baker’s husband, but her son. I knew that but got it mixed up in my head! Madame Tremblay-Baker was married to John Ancrum Baker. She also shared an interesting tidbit about Madame Tremblay Baker. Also, big thank you to Bob who contacted his sisters and several friends from the 1960s regarding my request for help finding Miss Margaret Jackson who served as organist 1975-81. One of his friends responded and we are hot on the trail of finding her contact info! She married, is now retired, and lives in the Greater Atlanta area. Thank you! I’ll keep everyone posted about our Miss Jackson.

Brad Cunningham, Organist

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